Sunday, March 24, 2013


Have you ever bought something on Craigslist? It's the best website in the world... but sometimes it almost feels like playing Russian roulette! I mean really, is it smart to contact a total stranger off the internet and ask them where they live so you can come buy their old junk? You never know what you are getting yourself into.

Moreover, the scariest part of Craigslist is selling. Recently I posted an add for an couple of old dressers we had. Essentially, the furniture is in decent condition. They are white painted wicker and over the years they are starting to chip and wear. I just wanted to make some quick cash and look for some new dressers to replace them. I had a few replies to my post with people looking to buy this furniture...

Buyer number one texts me about the dressers and literally spelled them "dresars". I know it was not a typo- it happened twice. Plus, you know it wasn't sneaky auto correct because "dresars" is not a word. I double checked with Words with Friends and it concurred it was "not a word". Boom. I never even replied to this person because I figure if you don't know how to spell dressers I don't want you to know where I live.

Buyer number two had left me a voicemail and was an older sounding man. He had a voice that sounded like a chainsaw and it was bone-chilling. This could have been Santa Claus for all I knew, but hell he sounded really scary... so I did the only logical thing. I erased the message and waited for buyer number three.

Buyer number three called... She was a super friendly mom. She also had 4 children and I could tell she was a really nice woman. I had finally thought I found the perfect buyer. However, then she said this... "I wonder if I bought the dressers if I could just paint them, they would look like new! Do you think they would take paint?" Long story short, I made up an excuse... got off the line... and plan to paint my dressers this summer. Thanks mystery Craigslist mommy friend, what a great idea! FYI she called me back like 3 times that week and I never answered... who knew I was the weirdo the whole time?!

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