Saturday, September 7, 2013


With 4 children all under the age of 5, I can't help but feel like a skeptical at times. I refer to it as "the freak show"... but not in a bad way. More as like, wow look at that nut job with all the kids.  The kids started soccer last week! I was so excited for them to finally start a sport and, it was a hot mess. My husband and I were going to meet before their practice and drop his truck of at the auto shop. Well I wait at the auto shop I told him to go to until 4:55 (practice starts at 5 and I am 10 minutes away!) My husband never shows and my cell phone isn’t working so I have no way to contact him. So I do what any person would do, leave.  I show up 10 minutes late for practice and rush my four kids out of the car. Mind you, I was so excited for soccer because I knew my husband would help me. Tackling soccer with 4 kids alone was going to be one of those insanely hard things to do! Sure enough, it met my expectations right away. We get out of the car and soccer balls are flying under cars, the big kids are freaking out because they are late, the baby is crying! Finally, I load Autumn and Hannah into the double stroller and get organized while I head to the field.  All I could think was thank goodness I have this double stroller. I would be a mess without it, the little girls would be everywhere!

Once I approach the gate, my dreams came true… Oh, what's that? This stroller doesn't fit though the gate? Fantastic, of course it doesn’t. That would just be way too easy. So I unload the little girls while the big kids run to their practice. Now I am chasing after Autumn, who is chasing after Tucker, who is chasing after Bella who is running the wrong direction, all while Hannah is dangling under my arm. I finally get everyone redirected in the right direction and haul ass after Autumn who is now in the middle of the field. Once I grad her, we head to a nearby hill to watch the rest of the practice. I am literally overwhelmed and in tears.  Let’s face it, its 6 pm... It has already been a long, long, long day. This was just the icing that pushed me over the mommy cliff into a full meltdown. So, what’s a girl to do? I sat my butt on that hill and cried. Then I thought, oh what happen to Joe?

I left the auto shop before he got there, I have no cell phone. Maybe he would just come here and we would drop his truck off after practice? Where the hell was he? He said he was off like an hour ago. I wished so badly that Joe would show up and save me. At least help me get off this insane soccer field with these tired, nutty kids. Oh, please just show up Joe! Then like a knight in shining armor he appears. I kid you not, I cried crocodile tears! I was so happy to see him! Expert Tire and Discount Tire are different store and if he would just listen we could have avoided this whole mess. I do have the best husband ever though. He took a cab to the soccer field after he dropped his truck off because he knew I would need help. Long story short, soccer ended we went home; it was a good end to a long day.

 Fast forward: This week I had Joe by my side at practice, we were early, and it went off without a hitch. About 10 minutes into practice this tired/stressed mom shows up. She is clearly tired and had a LONG day. Her son runs onto the field and she slumps down near me with her baby. About 10 minutes later her hubby shows up and helps her out. Then halfway into soccer her son pees his pants. So, after all the effort it took to get there, they had to leave half way in. That poor mom. I simply said, I was you last week, don't worry next week will be great! She laughed and said thank goodness!

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